Mort: J. Dan Price

Just heard that J. Dan Price, the only begotten son of pulp fictioneer E. Hoffmann Price, passed away on June 1 — various circumstances delayed the spread of the news.

Great guy, he ranked as a raconteur right up there with his dad.

I first met Dan during a dinner hosted by Ed in a Chinese restaurant on the penisula, must have been around 1982 or 83, and every few years after that I’d bump into him. Somehow Dan got the idea that I liked Jack Daniels, not an inaccurate observation, so every time he would fill a carafe — a large carafe — with Jackblack and set up shot glasses.

Witnesses to those sessions exist, and I’d hope that any biography for me or for Dan would contain a mention.

If you have a shot glass, Salute!


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